Q at 28-Rajab-1432 ليلةالخميس : Ustadh Ahmad, may Allaah bless you. You have some who are unaware of the mistakes of 'Ubayd al-Jaabaree. Can you just clarify a little? May Allaah bless you.
Answer of Ahmad Banajah - Some Mistakes of Ubaid al-Jaabiree

Q at 28-Rajab-1432 ليلةالخميس : That the planned Sh-Ubayd and other masyaikh will give seminars in Indonesia, what suggestions do you have for this condition?
Answer of Ahmad Banajah - Daurah Ubaid in Indonesia is Daurah Dhirar

Q at 06-Sya'ban-1432 ليلةالخميس : There will be a daurah in Indonesia inviting al-Jabiri (Madina), Should people attend or not?
Answer of Ahmad Banajah - Daurah Ubaid in Indonesia is Daurah Dhirar

A Series of Refutations in Annihilating the Accusations of Those that Claim ash-Shaykh Yahya has Opposed the Salaf in the Usool!
Series Part 4: A history lesson about 'Arafaat and the fabrications within his dictations to his Shaykh: Ubaid
source: http://aloloom.net/vb/showthread.php?p=35876#post35876
So we advise Ubayd Al-Jaabiree with repentance to Allah from those reckless ventures and from his injustice upon the Salafee Da'wah and its stronghold in Dammaj and its decorated crown, the successor of Imaam Al-Waade'ee, for by Allah this is better for him than his defence of those idle people from the Hizbi group of the two sons of Mar'ee (i.e. Abdur-Rahmaan Al-'Adanee and his brother Abdullah Mar'ee). Literally means: The New Hizb, the name given to the followers of Abdur-Rahmaan Al-'Adanee and 'Ubayd Al-Jaabiree. As 'Ubayd Al-Jaabiree said: “If this is a Hizb then I am their leader”.
So what is the stance of Al-Jaabiree and his repairers? And will he reconsider other than it from the scandals? And how great they are in number:
Series Part 4: A history lesson about 'Arafaat and the fabrications within his dictations to his Shaykh: Ubaid
source: http://aloloom.net/vb/showthread.php?p=35876#post35876
So we advise Ubayd Al-Jaabiree with repentance to Allah from those reckless ventures and from his injustice upon the Salafee Da'wah and its stronghold in Dammaj and its decorated crown, the successor of Imaam Al-Waade'ee, for by Allah this is better for him than his defence of those idle people from the Hizbi group of the two sons of Mar'ee (i.e. Abdur-Rahmaan Al-'Adanee and his brother Abdullah Mar'ee). Literally means: The New Hizb, the name given to the followers of Abdur-Rahmaan Al-'Adanee and 'Ubayd Al-Jaabiree. As 'Ubayd Al-Jaabiree said: “If this is a Hizb then I am their leader”.
So what is the stance of Al-Jaabiree and his repairers? And will he reconsider other than it from the scandals? And how great they are in number:
The allowing of intermingling between sexes.
The allowing of appearing on television.
The permissibility of watching cartoons.
His allowing of participating in the Taaghooti Elections.
His allowing of going to the magicians to undo magic.
His slander of Shu'bah Bin Al-Hajaaj, may Allah have mercy upon him.
His slander of all the heads of Al-Islaam from the earlier and latter times.
Concerning the issue of: - 'The closest group to the truth'-.
His warning from Dar Al-Hadeeth in Dammaj.
His slander of the successor of Imaam Al-Waade'ee.
His sharp tongue against Ahlus-Sunnah.
His desperate efforts in defending the Islamic University and his rejection of the infiltration of Hizbiyyah within it.
His reviving of the Hizbiyyeen in Yemen and supporting them.
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